60包 (4.3 OZ, 120G) / 約2個月用量
蛋白酶: 這種酶有助於消化蛋白質, 幫助氨基酸的吸收, 並加強免疫系統。
脂肪酶: 這種酶有助於分解脂肪, 增強身體能量。
澱粉酶: 這種酶有助於消化碳水化合物並幫助身體吸收。
纖維素酶: 這種酶有助於消化水果和蔬菜, 以更好的吸收營養。
乳糖酶: 這種酶有助於消化乳糖。
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Ea***** /
我平時腸子比較敏感,一吃東西立馬拉肚子。 這讓我瘦到體重不足,所以我沒有動力,甚至出現抑鬱症狀。 定期服用消化酶後,腹瀉逐漸停止,消化開始好轉。
I usually have a sensitive intestine, so when I eat, I immediately get diarrhea. That has made me thin enough to be underweight, so I was not motivated and even had symptoms of depression. After taking digestive enzymes regularly, the diarrhea stopped gradually and digestion began to improve.
Wo***** /
由於消化不良、腹瀉和便秘,我通常有嚴重的腸胃問題。 吃完以後,一次吃一包消化酵素,毛病完全沒有了,胃也舒服多了。 我能夠消化肉和脂肪,所以我現在吃得很好。
I usually have severe stomach and intestinal problems due to indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation. After eating, I took one packet of digestive enzymes at a time, and the trouble disappeared completely, and my stomach felt more comfortable. I am able to digest meat and fats, so I eat well now.
Dg***** /
三年前我從樓梯上摔下來,受了重傷。 我有消化問題,因為在我從腿部手術中恢復並打了 2 年石膏後,移動起來很不舒服。 我服用了商業藥店出售的消化藥,但它讓我拉肚子。 不過自從服用了消化酵素後,我的消化系統變好了,不再拉肚子了,腹脹也消失了,所以我還是吃的很踏實。
I fell down the stairs three years ago and was severely injured. I had a problem with digestion because it was uncomfortable to move while I recovered from leg surgery and had casts for 2 years. I took a digestive medicine sold at a commercial pharmacy, but it gave me diarrhea. However, since taking digestive enzymes, my digestion has gotten better, I no longer suffer from diarrhea, and the bloating has disappeared, so I am still eating steadily.
L6***** /
我的胃酸過多,有時還會胃酸反流,導致嚴重的咳嗽和頸部疼痛。 服用消化酶後,我看到了很多改善。
I had excessive gastric acidity and sometimes also stomach acid reflux, which caused severe coughing and neck pain. I am seeing a lot of improvement after taking digestive enzymes.