Enjoy the healthful benefits of noni and plum in one, easy-to-consume supplement, the Umeken’s Noni Plum Ball. Made with high-quality, organic noni and plum extract, concentrated to be 50x stronger.
Approx. 300 PIECES (2.1 OZ, 60G) / Approx. 1 Month Supply
Noni: Noni is an exotic tropical fruit from the South Pacific. It contains more than 200 different nutrients: 18 amino acids, 7 minerals, 12 vitamins. It has an abundance of naturally-occurring polysaccharides, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids and unique fatty acid esters.
Japanese plum: This fruit contains high concentration of citric acid, 58% more than lemons.
Enjoy the healthful benefits of noni and plum in one, easy-to-consume supplement, the Umeken’s Noni Plum Ball.
Helps metabolism
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Le***** /
This is identical to the Ume balls I purchased in Japan some years ago, which made me very happy. As a long distance runner and triathlete with sens... itive digestive system, I can't stomach energy drinks, gels, bars, etc. during the race or post-race without feeling drained and lousy for the rest of the day, and sometimes even the next day. But if I take 10 of these Ume balls with plenty of water first thing in the morning on race days, or before I head out for long runs, then everything is great and I can go on with the rest of my day unimpaired once I'm done with my workout. Highly recommended, and the ingredients are all natural, which is a huge plus. Growing up in Japan, Ume (plum) product was a quick and all natural solution to many ailments. This product definitely lives up to this fruit's amazingly high standard. Show more
JO***** /
In modern society, due to the rapid development of science and technology, heavy mental pressure, pollution of living environment, improper eating hab... its, lack of sufficient exercise and other factors.
When I was in my 20s, I already suffered from high blood pressure. Just when I was in distress, I stumbled upon Umeken`s products. I bought a bottle of plum concentrated granules with the mentality of giving it a try. After I took 2 After more than a month, the indexes of hypertension and hyperlipidemia returned to normal.
Live easier, healthier and happier than before.
Because plum concentrated granules are strongly alkaline foods, they have a very good detoxification effect on people with an acidic constitution, so they have unexpected preventive and therapeutic effects on many chronic diseases, so it can prove a theory of why the Japanese live longer. It can be understood that Japanese people are short of plums from morning to night, and Umeken`s concentrated plums have a good taste and are easy to carry, achieving a healthy dream. Show more
使20幾歲的我,已經患上了高血壓.就在我困頓之時,無意中發現了Umeken 的產品.我在姑且一試的心態下,買了一瓶梅子濃縮顆粒.在我服用2個多月之後,高血壓,高血脂等指數均恢復了正常.
I was not interested in health food or vitamins because I didn`t have any particular pain, but a steady phone call from the person in charge at the he... ad office gave me an opportunity to try them one by one and come across organic plum extract. A few months ago, I went to Korea, and after seeing an advertisement saying “Stop numbness in my hands” and realizing that numbness in my hands is a symptom that occurs to many people as they get older, I thought that I did a good job choosing plum extract, and I felt so relieved. After taking organic plum, my numbness in my hands and feet improved, and my husband`s stomach was always uncomfortable, but the symptom has improved a lot. Adolescent children were suffering from acne, and the acne has improved a lot and has become clearer. Show more
평소에 특별히 아픈곳이 없어서 건강식품 또는 비타민 등에 관심이 가지 않았지만, 본사 담당하시는 분의 꾸준한 전화 통화가 계기가 되어 하나 둘씩 시도해 보면서 올개닉 매실 엑기스도 접하게 되었습니다. 몇달전에는 한국을 다녀왔는데 “손저림 이제 그만”이라는 광고를 보고 손저림 증상이 나이가 들어가면서 많은 사람들에게 나타나는 증상이라는 것을 알고나서 제가 매실엑기스를 선택한 것이 참 잘했다고 여겨졌고 너무 안심이 되었습니다. 올개닉 매실을 복용하고 난후 저는 손발 저림이 좋아졌고, 저희 남편은 뱃속이 늘 불편했었는데 그 증상이 많이 편해졌습니다. 사춘기 아이들이 여드름으로 힘들어하고 있었는데, 그 여드름이 많이 호전되고 깨끗해졌습니다.
Because I was always attentive and doing business, my digestion was not good and I always felt uncomfortable in my stomach. However, after eating orga... nic plum extract, I was able to eat well and my energy was restored. Also, my stiff and stiff shoulders and my heavy body that was so hard to get up in the morning became as light as feathers. I could feel the blood circulation was good. My daily life, which was always hard and tiring, has completely changed and it has become a pleasant day. Umeken Organic Plum Extract has become an indispensable staple in our house of five young grandchildren. Show more
신경을 늘 쓰고 비지니스를 해서 그런지 소화가 잘 안되어 속이 항상 불편했었습니다. 그런데 올개닉 매실엑기스를 먹고 나서는 식사를 잘 할 수 있게 되어 일단을 기력이 회복되었습니다. 또한 어깨가 결리고 뻣뻣했던것과 아침에 일어나지 못할정도로 힘들었던 무거운 몸이 새털처럼 가벼워졌습니다. 혈액순환이 잘 되고 있다는 것을 느낄 수 있었습니다. 늘상 힘들고 피곤했던 일상이 완전히 달라져서 즐거운 나날이 되었습니다. 어린 손주가 5명이나 있는 우리집에 우메켄 올개닉 매실엑기스는 없어서는 안될 상비약이 되었습니다.