Mata-Ball is a dietary supplement with natural ingredients that may help promote healthy weight management.
60 PACKETS (0.9 OZ, 26.4G) / Approx. 2 Month Supply
Garcinia, Gymnema leaf extract, Chitosan, White mulberry leaf extract, Cayenne fruit powder, Ginger extract, Probiotics
Info Sources:
Help manage your weight with Meta-ball’s natural ingredients.
Supports healthy weight
Helps digestion
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
An***** /
I ate Meta Ball, and the night is not so long and difficult since then. The product makes the intestines move and peristalsis, and solves the problem... of going to the toilet. I try to drink a bottle of Meta Ball every morning on an empty stomach. I take it twice a day. The toilet, I will go to the toilet once before noon. It seems to be able to clean up the stomach and intestines yesterday. I have never felt this refreshing. I want to insist on eating this product, no matter how ruthless the years are, there should be no chance for the fat to stick. on my belly! Show more
我吃了 Meta Ball, 從此夜也不在那麼漫長,難熬. 產品讓腸子蠕動蠕動,解決一下上厕所的毛病.我嘗試每天早上空腹喝白水時,順便吃一瓶 Meta Ball .每天早晨經常上兩次厕所,中午前還會上一次厕所.好像可以把昨天的腸胃清潔的一乾二淨.從沒有過這種清爽的感覺.我想堅持吃這個產品,不管歲月怎麼無情,肥肉也應該沒有機會貼在我的肚子上吧!
"Pants size changed from 10 to 6."
I was surprised when I ran out of DIET META BALL. I actually cut 10 pounds and the pants... turned out to be a size 10 but turned into a size 6. The meat on the belly has decreased. I used to bend over and kneel down, but it felt very laborious. It`s easy to do now. Maybe it`s because DIET META PLUM is taken together with the woman`s dream. I feel full of energy every day, I don`t feel fatigued, and I`m in a good mood.
Umeken made my friends slim too.
Reasons for recommending Umeken products to people around you: Good things should be shared with everyone. I used to think that losing weight was difficult, but it was not easy to lose 1 or 2 pounds. I easily cut 10 lbs with DIET META BALL. My friends saw the effect and asked me what product I was using. I introduced Umeken products to them. They are taking it now. After about 2 weeks, they said they could feel the effect of losing weight. Show more
用完了DIET META BALL,讓我自己卻感覺到吃驚。居然我剪掉了10磅,褲子原來是10號,卻變為6號。肚子上的肉減少了。以前彎腰, 下跪卻覺得挺費勁的。現在居然很輕鬆地做到了。也許是DIET META PLUM和女人夢一起服用的緣故吧。我覺得自己每天精力充實,沒有疲勞的感覺,心情也很愉快。
推薦Umeken產品給身邊人的理由: 好的東西應該與大家分享,以前覺得減肥是件很難的事情,想減掉1,2磅卻很不容易。用了DIET META BALL輕易剪掉了10磅。我的朋友看見效果這麼好,也都問我是使用了什麽產品。我就把Umeken的產品介紹給她們。她們現在也在服用。大概過了2個星期她們說能感覺到減肥的效果了。
After taking Meta Ball for a month, the constipation completely disappeared. Meta Ball can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, so it solves th... e problem of constipation. Not only that, but the hemorrhoids have improved significantly and I am no longer afraid to go to the bathroom. The 21 vegetable enzymes contained in Meta Ball make bowel movements easier. After taking it for a month, I lost 5 pounds. Even better, the weight loss achieved by natural ingredients has not rebounded. I sincerely thank Umeken for making such a good product, and would love to recommend Umeken to friends who have similar troubles as me. Only when my friends are slim, can I be less crowded out! Show more
服用Meta Ball 一個月之後,便秘徹底消失了。Meta Ball能有效地促進腸的蠕動,所以解決了便秘問題。不僅如此,痔瘡也得到了明顯改善,我不再害怕去衛生間了。Meta Ball中所含有的21种蔬菜酵素成分使排便更輕鬆。服用一個月之後,體重減輕了5磅。更妙的是靠天然成分實現的減肥,沒有出現反彈現象。我衷心地感謝Umeken生産出這麽好的產品,而且很樂意把Umeken推薦給那些和我有相似苦惱的朋友們。只有朋友們也苗條了,我才能少受些排擠啊!